Deck 8 - Version History
The Latest Work-In-Progress Version
Redo the whole lighting (new direction)
Normal maps for half of the assets (still WIP)
Micro layout adjustments
The Old Versions
Background terraforming updated (worldmachine, materials, still WIP)
Recreated the low-poly meshes of some assets
Some small tweaking
Background terraforming updated (still WIP)
Animated vista railway vehicle and sound
Animated light object moving along the vents/tubes
Generic objective points added to support Domination mode
Line-up objects added for intro, in both FFA and Team modes
Some other visual updates
Visual updates on the glass objects
Sky and env tweaks
Several other mesh updates
Fixed a couple collision issues
Visual updates of the vista space sites, the railway
Visual updates of the pool, and the nuclear generator
Updated several visual meshes
Improved the lighting quality for several areas
Fixed the killzone issue
The green goo is replaced with the red radioactive material, so it is now a nuclear facility (sort of).
Added the portals (no gameplay) as the exotic elements
Tweaked the playerstart, the collision, and the navmesh
Replaced the Bio on the top with the GL
Fixed a playerstart issue
Fixed several navmesh issues
Made the wall dodge from the main bridge to the LG much easier
Collision tweaks
Fixed the bullet collision issues
Tweaked the Minigun bridge collision to make the jump from that bridge to the LG platform easier
Tweaked the belt pillar collision to make the jump from one side to the other easier
Fixed two navmesh issues i just spot.
Mesh shapes are almost there.
Collision pass
The 1st lighting pass
Big meteor crater and a space site in the distant background
Layout tweaking, added a vent tunnel connecting the sniper platform with the flak pool room
Lots of other things here and there, check the roadmap to see basically where it is on the timeline
Placeholder materials
Lighting updated to test some ideas
Added the helmet
Fixed a few collision issues that could be exploited
Removed the bars above the lifts
Added railing in the rl room
Added a pipe as an alternative path next to the ramp above the lift room
Some other small modifications
Planned to create two versions, "Deck8" is close to the traditional Deck, "Deck-CLee" is the one i have been making since the beginning.
Deck8 is just a convenient name. I haven't decided if this is it.
Some major modification based on Deck-CLee, like the ramp above the RL room is gone, the U damage is back to what it traditionally was, etc.
BSP is 99.9% replaced with static meshes. The meshes are still rough, placeholder quality, with grey texture.
New placeholder textures, materials to visualize the basic intentions of how the map will look like, roughly
Updated the lighting for the whole map
Some small layout modifications, width and height
Music added
Audio volumes added, still WIP
Energy shield (visual+ambient sound) for the map bound
Vista city placeholder
Background terrain and river (the lake is gone)
Playerstarts tuned
Ammo reduced and relocated
Slime volume modified
The poolside walkways are narrower
The belt beam is slightly narrower
Udamage platform modified
Removed the additional teleporter
Layout tweaks
Fixed the navmesh issue to support bot
The flak corridor teleporter is removed
Relocate a few weapons
Added another teleporter around the original one
Redeemer is gone.
Changed the mid room and added a teleporter there
Layout modifications prevent exploiting outside
Relocated the inventory bases
Relocated the playerstarts
Fixed a few deadends
Blocking volumes for some collision issues
Placeholder materials used
Basic navmesh (still buggy)
Resized the scale to basically the same size of DeckTest
Layout tuning according to the enlarged scale
Scale, Scale, and Scale!!!
Wider, longer, higher, deeper
Removed some pillars
Overall, tuned the layer to have a more comfortable scale
Made the map longer (4 meters) along the direction from the elevator room to the sniper platform
Made the ceiling a bit higher
Background environment blockout, still work in progress
Started to block out more visual stuff for the main building
Overcast lighting
Layout changes for both visual and gameplay
Reverted some changes so it gets back some of the original Deck feelings, I am still thinking on it.
The armors are now real pickups instead of placeholders
Tuned some of the pickup locations
More playerstarts added, 1st pass is done
A few blocking volumes to smooth collisions
Replaced the placeholder health pickups with real ones
Replaced the placeholder double damage with a real one
Replaced the placeholder jumppad with a real one
Another test to see if the map scale is still big
Micro layout modification to represent some level art intentions
1st pass of basic lighting, a very first rough pass
Start to use the official weapon bases
Some changes to refine the gameplay element
Some playerstarts roughly added
This was the first “playable“ of this map built in the UT4 engine.
Replaced the layout staticmeshes with BSP
Modified the lift room quite a bit to make it more like deck but with my style and the lift jumps
Modified the flak-sniper corridor
Modified the flak-vials curvy corridor
Modified the flak area close to the SR and RL
Modified the AMP ramp to make it more exposed, and added back jumppad
Modified the bio-thighpad platform
1st pass of weapon location balance
Tried to balance the health pack, health vials for the lift room and the RL corridor
Some other changes
A quick port of the map from Open Tournament to UT4
Uses Nick_Game as the game mode
Removed the lift next to the sniper platform
Pickup placeholder updated, both visual and location
Made a few changes to improve the usefulness of the bridges
Added a few more occlusion
The basic shape of the whole building
Rough vista, right now it is near a dam. I will keep it like this until the gameplay layout is finalized.
Reduced the size of the layout
Added connections between the top level and the mid level, still WIP